Welcome to Dora Does

Modern crochet patterns, resources and tutorials for curious crocheters

Crochet Pattern Design

A 4ply pink and grey crochet striped sweater hangs on a white wall

“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.”

I keep this famous William Morris quote in mind when designing and I think it sums up my approach to crochet design pretty well.

My style is simple, colourful, modern and playful. I can spend hours experimenting with crochet stitch patterns to create relaxing mindful projects. Each design attempts to show you something new or look at a stitch in a different way. As I learn new skills I enjoy sharing the results of my experiments and learning with you.

I focus on designing practical, wearable crochet clothing and accessories and contemporary home decor pieces.

I’m on a personal mission to help you grow your confidence to try something new. Maybe even to make your own crochet wardrobe. If you’re interested in crocheting garments, you’re in the right place!

Dora holds one hand to her head, wearing a blue and pink crochet houndstooth beanie hat.

The Houndstooth Hat: A cozy crochet beanie hat pattern

Three crochet Yule logs of different sizes. The medium size decorative crochet log is in focus in the foreground and has two crochet holly leaves, joined with a crochet berry, decorating it.

Festive Crochet Yule Log Christmas Ornament

Dora rests her check on hand wearing a blue cabled crochet beanie hat.

The Falling Pines Beanie Hat: Free Crochet Pattern

The Falling pines crochet poncho seen from the front hanging on a blanket ladder against a white wall.

The Falling Pines Cabled Crochet Poncho

Doralosophy – The Blog

Close up of Crochet Rainbow Sweater hanging on white wall

Doralosophy (Noun): 

“Dora’s study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, existence, mind, art and crochet.”

Read the blog to find crochet tutorials, tips, tricks, creative experiments, insights into the design process and thought pieces about life’s important and trivial questions.

A woman wears a super chunky crochet cardigan with a pink body and clashing red sleeves

Crochet Resources

As well as tutorials and patterns, this site contains a resource section to help develop your crochet skills whether you are a beginner or budding designer!

This includes a Stitch Directory, a Tips and Tricks section (for all those epic hacks!) and a space for all the technical bits and charts.

I’m a firm believer that there is always something new to learn and I hope you will discover something new whilst you’re here.

Happy Hooking
